CHEWED NEWS in this week’s Politoons, issue 15, 20th of July, 2013


pay day loaners by macdShares in payday loan companies rose even higher than the APR interest rates those companies charge today, as government plans to make poor people pay for more things with less money has promoted spikey growths amongst wealthy stock market lobbyists.


the housing shortage continues

Higher than expected house price bubbles filled with hot air and rose further today, while it was announced that shale gas explorations will take place in low density areas of the country, such as under Blackpool’s famous tower, the new Olympic park, and London’s Tate Modern (the latter being a second home for the spin of energy profiteering gas and oil conglomerates for several fairytale years now).


The cohabitation of liberals and conservatives continues in the Council Houses of Parliament, while backbench MP’s insist on lobbying for better tax breaks for married couples. Nick’s best man Dan said he was con-Vince-d that Dave could make an honest man of him. The recently reformed Laws mean this could be a marriage made in political heaven – the name of an outlying suburb in the country’s political capital, known to many as “Greater Bollocks”.


Pugeorge-floats-the-pound-by-macd2013.jpgtting money directly into the pockets of people who actually spend it rather than giving it to those who bury it in the middle of their offshore islands and look all innocent when someone stops by, is a policy dilemma that has befuddled many confused polticians for several years. Consequently, while no decisions get made, the future is spiraling down the plughole, while the government promotes British Industry, issuing tea towels printed with the words “keep calm, and carry on”.

That’s all your politoons news this week

follow us for regular updates, or leave a comment below, always good to hear what you think,

macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

Snail Mail Sale Sucks Union Sting from Labour’s Tail

Ye Olde Royal Mail Sale

a macd philosophy cartoon

378 year old plans to privatize the royal post office and remove the queen’s head have been rubber stamped by government strategists. The minister for scapegoats, Minced Sable said “We’re not going to bother pretending anyone will make a profit from selling this public service, or that the British public will benefit in any way!”. Private delivery firms meanwhile are keen to buy at this ‘off the back of a lorry’ price. Some are already queuing up at the post office, patiently watching flat screen adverts for ‘putting your advert here’ as they wait to get in on a piece of the Great British Sell-Off (as soon as Vince at cashier number three has dealt with some pensioner’s passport application).

Labour Union Confusion

Labour’s non-leadership crisis stumbled onward recently with Ed (no the other one) saying thated miliband labour leader by macd the unions should allow people to opt in rather than out, to which the leader of the Union of the Entire Universe replied ‘In, out, in, out, shake it all about… do I look like I was listening?” After realizing that there was even less chance of making Ed Balls-up leader than there was two years ago. The Unions sighed a collectively bargained sigh of relief, saying ‘Alright Ed, if that’s the way you want it, we’ll keep the money!”

Not Cricket Poetry

Critics had a field day at Lords, giving the latest poem about cricket a caning. “It’s not about being posh and its nothing to do with being middle class, which means that it doesn’t speak to anyone who likes to sit in a deck chair moaning about the weather while pretending to watch someone playing a game over half a mile away!”

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

Education Supplement, Politoons, July 2013

caricature of micheal gove by macdEducation Secretariat Mikhail Goves-a-chav leaked a new national curriculum to the press yesterday. Tightening his strangehold on the state sector, he has taken a lead in ensuring free schools look even groovier than ever to greying baby boomer Grandad’s who made ‘loads-a-money’ in the 80’s buying discounted shares from every national privatization going.

“Free schools and Academies should not be hindered by being obliged to adhere to a national curriculum” said the Govian Secretariat, “that is the role of state schools!” he then went even further to explain his USP* (*unique selling point): “I want children themselves to have a role in convincing their parents that privatizing schools is a really good idea! That is why we must create a culture of uncertainty in which strange, tabloid headline things are allowed to happen in our education system so that we can appear more outraged than ever!” He then went on to deny rumours that 20130405-115224.jpghe was just trying to keep up to speed with Jeremic Unt, Minister for Things Not Going Well, over at the NHS.

Check out more info on Politoons here

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

ALL THE NEWS IN BRIEFS -politoons #14, July, 2013


chri-lagard2-euro-29-01-macThe British government was forced to deny rumours that it was behind an attempted military coup on the Channel Islands. “ We haven’t felt so invaded since the second world war!” said the mayor of Channel Tunnel Town, explaining to the ranks of absentee residents for tax purposes that the Island government was still in control. An unconfirmed tweet from the former tax haven was sent to the United Nation’s saying: #whoth#uck#dothy#thnk#thy#r!


Bolivian planes are now being forced to land or face being shot down by the European Servility Services. “These people have no Morales”, said an embassy official “ Well, we’ve got one now!” quipped an Austrian stewardess disguised as a Vienesse security agent. “Bolivians seem to think they can simply NOT smuggle a person onto their plane who is charged with exposing the criminal activity being perpetrated by one of the most heavily militarized nations on earth!” Meanwhile there have been no reported sightings of a displaced private contractor employee who has been left to gather dust in a Moscow airport lounge. Rumours persist that Mr. Ed eats nothing but ferrero-roche and chats politely to duty free staff. One reader inquires: “How free is ‘free’?” The editor suggests asking a Pussy Riot Protester, or better yet, a Gay Muscovite.


France was forced to admit it was spying on its own people just the other day. While Carla Bruni faced an inquiry into getting free air travel without collecting nearly enough air miles. Apparently, she has been forced to travel internationally because it has become impossible to find home grown flat heeled shoes ever since her former president husband’s fall from power (at least he didn’t have too far to fall, reported one french wag). Bruni’s main concern is ensuring that her lower husband is able to enter a room with some modicum of decorum, as well as hide 1.5 million euros of election spending in the raised heel of his shoe.


“This is a great day to shift some bad news!” said the British Health Secretary, promptly slipping through his big idea to privatize the Health Service once he’d run it into the ground. Hunt continues to try to convince anyone who will listen that it is in fact the NHS that makes us ill, and not tiny little viruses that nobody can see, or rising malnutrition caused by increasing numbers of people slipping into poverty. His solution is to sell patient data to private medical and pharmaceutical companies, who will then target their bids for Health Service contracts only in areas they can expect to make huge profits from.

And I haven’t even mentioned Egypt yet!


But, let’s be clear, 1.3 billion dollars per year being given to the Egyptian military has nothing to do with the coup. Surprisingly sage advice has come from several Western Governments: “Um…like, try not to be nasty to each other n’ that.”. Britain meanwhile has mounted a relief effort, flying out 2 plane loads of “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters and other related tourist ministry merchandise.


Former SA President Nelson Mandela is not yet turning in his grave, however some of his children and grandchildren are, following the reclamation of their bones by the courts yesterday.


A hole opened up in Toledo and swallowed a car as the earth fights back against man-made climate change. Sceptics suggest it was a burst water pipe that caused the damage, to which environmentalists replied “Yeah! And who made the water pipe? Man-made right? When are you people going to wake up!”


world-leader-camp-macd2011President Obama meanwhile reassured Chancellor Merkel of Germany that the US government would not only provide her with details of their surveillance activities, but also of all the surveillance activities that the German government was itself currently undertaking. He then went on to praise the government of the former ‘East Germany’, and the Stasi in particular for being such a “how-to” source of espionage and data gathering techniques.


labour leadership by macd

Lastly, (surprise, surprise) the Labour party has shot itself in the foot – or is that in it’s right arm that it would give to have as it’s leader someone people would vote for ?

That’s it for Politoon News this week,

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd