Black Star’s Death Star Encore!

Thousands mourn because it seems like the right thing to do!

More deaths of well known figures than normal for this time of year piles the pressure on tv’s talking heads to remember where they were when they dressed up and got drunk a bit.musicians1-macd-sm

Members of the newly formed Grief Police – a subsidiary of INterPol dedicated to questioning emotional states in online communities –  have been un-friended in their thousands over the past week as millions worry that their sole and very private but very real although largely unrecognized relationship with variously deceased public figures are not being taken seriously enough by suspected GP social media account holders.

Social Media Spikes over Dead David Likes!


Facecrook and Twitzer have been deluged with requests from their customer/client/content producer communities to block previous friends who critique their claim to being the most important anonymous figure behind the career of recently expired pop artists and actors.zuckerberg-macd-18.5.12-web

Threatening anyone who says ‘C’mon, we’re all dying, it’s just some die faster than others, so let’s get over it’ with the kind of fate that awaits convicted animal abusers released into the wild, social mediators are patrolling websites and news feed 24/7 in an attempt to identify and name people who are not taking the recent deaths of songwriters and actors seriously.

Self Censors are the new Self Expressionists say Self Experts!

‘In a world of social conformity, dying is the new parameter of freedom of expression,’ says dark net blogger Seigfried Chichnwingz. Recent studies indicate that (s)elf-censorship now accounts for the majority of actual censorship inside the internet, and this new self regulatory conformity is being applauded by government agencies struggling to find legal methods of containing non-socially mediated behaviour and freedom of expression.

Media corporations welcome the new self censoring social parameters and are preparing to take their findings to places like North Korea, where they hope to win licenses enabling them to drive new user traffic through pay per click pop ups and favoured advertising bannerisms.  ‘Places where existing censorship once meant we had no chance of making money without losing credibility internationally are now like totally up for this self moderating social media model!’ Said a social media guru putting a blue plaque on the entrance to their estate yesterday. ‘And anyone who doesn’t like it gets banned – unless they’re really famous in which case we’ll sit back and take a slice of their million-hits-a-minute pie!’

Celebrity Death to be Expanded New Study Says!

ids and creating insecurity by macd
Picking up on the theme of cherished celebrity deaths, media networks are prowling their back catalogues in the hope of finding more previously contracted artists who had drug/alcohol/or other abuse problems before they become dead. There is a new completely statistically led scheme to rehabilitate forgotten D-listers into the next generation of dead stars that people reminisce about fondly. The BBC has sent researchers into its 50 year old productions such as The Black and White Minstrel show, On the Buses, and other reactionary, racist and aging empire based cultural artifacts to find personalities long forgotten since who could be the next sensational demise to hit the online community.

Rumours persist that the BBC intends to kill off one of its most endeared Eastbenders characters ‘Peggy’ because her expected real life death hasn’t happened quickly enough to capitalize on the outpouring of grief expected when she dies. In response to news of her scheduled death, the famous character Estrogenagon from ‘WTF Godo – look at the time!’ was asked to reminisce about the Carry On actress’s  career: ‘Every character has their day – but did you really watch all of Carry On Camping, or just the bit with her catapulting bra?’

Ashes to Ashes…

Having forgotten about the middle east, oil prices, the NHS, schools and my mother’s birthday the editors of POlitoons wish to express their mourning at the passing of Emery Papers, the unknown make up artist who accidentally tripped while working on David Bowie’s face and ended up creating a trademark multi-coloured z across his eyes that has become eternally synonymous with the man who wrote ‘Please Mr. Gravedigger’. RIP Star(m)fan


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POlitOOns March 2015 Issue #9

LATEST BREAKING NEWS AND VIEWS! politoons-new-logo1-940-198.jpg

End of the world offers huge opportunity for growth says stock market analyst!

George’s Budget Hairline’s creates treats for non-dom tax cheats!

osborne and cameron discuss time being money, macd2013

UK-UK! Specialist Headline Brain Fade Blanks:

UKIP leaders plane wreck cast aside as NHS jibe lands broadside on Nigel’s failed state in afterlife!

elections in modern times by macd

Nigel concedes race rift as Poll slip concerns party whips!

UKIP EU expenses expatriated in restaurant receipt slated to Brussels!

Dolce and Gabbana drama unfolds as Elton told to fight for ‘family’ life!

Victoria in Peckham stood up to the bean counters at fashionista firmware makers D and G today.  Holding a candle in the wind for the Lion King Rocket Man pianissimo, Ms. Becks took issue with the anti-guy agenda of the post style alphabetic logo manufacturers.  “Family is what it’s all about, and everyone should have one, or two even if they need to use the spare bedroom because of poverty -which my husband and I abhor by the way, unless of course it comes in a little black number with Jimmie Wong stillettos…”

US calls IS Real threat to World Greece!bad-bomber1-macd_web

Foreign Ministers met outside the new European Bank building today dressed in Clown costumes to evade protesting citizens who are demanding their money back. Having bailed out the banks, the E-Union does not want to bail any thing else if it can help it, even if it means dissolution and running the continent in coalition with Scottish National Party goers.
Police cars continued to inflame the issue overnight as people masquerading as different other people confronted uniformed charade-ists intent on miming their way out of recession at all costs.

Jeremy very nearly fears he’s lost Top Gear!

Having gone from style icon to national treasure of the unwashed and sole British export that says rude things about foreign cars, Jeremy-Clark-Bosun was traced to the Large Haydron Service Provider in Switzerland where he battled it out with other theoretical particles in a magnetized tunnel that replicates bumper cars for protons. Having smashed the record for smashing things, Jeremy’s car crash of a career continues to careen onto screens around the speed addicted world, where millions have been lost in the cancellation of two episodes of the Three Turds on Wheels show that critics say has existed long past it’s half-lifetime.

Twitter to market all the stupid things you tell people in the hope of seeming interesting.

NSA prism loyalty card scheme by macdunlop ©2013
In order to create profit out of ordinariness Big Daddy data is capitalizing on the unexpected compel-ment users have to tell everyone about their instant life.  Twit exec’s tweet to their followers that there is no such thing as a secret as far as they’re concerned, and they should now squeeze as much money as they can from you telling everyone about what your last fart smelt like, or wasting your existence away hashtagging pictures of cats licking themselves in domestic situations.

Large Haydron Service Provider picks Net Flix for grey matter’s Auntie-matter matrix!

magnifying-man 17-11-14-back

Cam’s Flim Flam over Debate Plans leaves Opposition in No-Man’s Land!


Chinese Bankers thank British “W”_anker’s typo no-no for Promoting Asia Bank’s Financial Loop Hole!


Tune in for more soon, in the meantime why not

Join in the latest cartoon caption contest here

And remember, the world of humour need you! 

(Please follow pOlitOOns, share, like, comment or do any other thing you don’t really have time for)

POlitOOns February 2015 #5 part 1

UK Government to introduce Caption Tax on Intellectual Property under 140 characters long!

politoons-new-logo1-940-198-72The current co-inhibition government has introduced new election policies in an attempt to confuse people even further. The people running the country who hate each other have proposed an unfairer but equal “Caption Tax” where word bubbles over 140 characters long would be taxed at source, and then even more so depending on how they trend.  Treasury proponents insist that this is a very workable idea, if only because it means nothing, and people unlikely to vote will have to work even harder and for less as they try to figure out what the government means by all this.

Labelled the “Twit Tax” by new media pundits who can’t make a living out of their addiction for love nor money, Government and Opposition leaders today were told by their media gurus to listen in on focus groups who represent the “commonest” of people.  Concentrating on the two issues expected to dominate the next election: A) greedy rich people who live in big houses, and B) fear of not being able to afford prolonged illness or death, the coming election in three month time has forced those in and out of government to focus on focus groups for a record ump-teenth

Having thought up the Mansion Tax as a fair representation of what people would like to happen without having to think too hard, the ghost chancellor has announce unique opposition party plans to tell everyone what their plans are should they be elected.  This has galvanized the grass roots – though some argue it’s simply the onset of spring – into a new shooting spree involving the seeds of an idea combined with a watered down approach to the blossoming property market.
how the welfare secretary sleeps at night by macd
“Not knowing what we stand for is not necessarily a weakness in the electorate!” said Ghost Chancellor Ed BallBoy before running down the street proclaiming:. “Anyone who cares will tell you that they don’t know what any of the political parties stand for anyway!”

Frozen Food Follows Fuel in Energy Phase Out!

Concern has mounted horses recently as the international community decides to privatize it’s social status in light of it’s utter helplessness in the face of superpower struggles. One super powered country that can see through walls and turn ordinary matter into ice has already threatened to freeze food costs and open a chain of stores across Europe selling crystalised nutrients to consumers. Subsidized by government tax reforms, consumers will pay less for food that is frozen while spending more on keeping it that way until they get around to eating it. Promised power cuts have also knee jerked the oil industry into action. Spokespersons say the industry has already lowered costs as little as they can, showing how committed they are to the expense of everything else.

More February Supplements over the coming days, so tune in, follow, feed, and generally spread the butter, …I mean word!

Meanwhile, here’s the regular features:

the 7th Politoon Caption Contest



The Enigma Deviations – the second volume of MacD cartoons with over 120 selections is out now




e-peep e-greets! :)(:

politoons-new-logo1-940-198-pink-72Here’s selection of e-greets from Politoons. Just fill in the form below or in the gallery comment box, say which one(s) you’ve selected, include your heartfelt wishes (be nice!)  and we’ll forward your message and e-card to your loved one – or, um… whatever.

General Satire:

Seasonal Ones:


If you’re interested in sending something bigger better and more book-like, check out info about the latest collection of Politoon toons here: The Enigma Deviations


remember:macds world of humor

Yer politoon Easter massage

politoons-new-logo1-940-198-blue-sm Easter messageeaster-message1macd-sm

sorry about the delay in getting out the cartoon competition winners

here’s the link and we’ll be back after the break




Budget Plane Disappearing in Paper Boy Cuts Special!

politoons-new-logo1-940-198-72Budget Squeezes Middle-Aged Waistbandsgeorge-floats-the-pound-by-macd2013.jpg

Chancellor boy George unveiled his new tattoo, a heavily overwritten display of prime numbers cascading from a small calculator which when he flexed his bicep grew to the size of a small calculator.  Balls of Ire, the shadow of the Chancellor spoke ill of the dead, well Maggie anyway, then tried to encourage young people to vote saying he could feel their pain, having only recently just scraped through his year three piano exam himself.  Yes the mouth that launched a thousand blips was drowned beneath a sea of hate figures on the government benches today as they hailed themselves and their ‘we’ll have to make do with him for the time being’ leader. Meanwhile waves of Ukrainian boat people did not flood across Europes unprotected Eastern flank like the charge of the Light brigade thundering in the opposite direction over 100 years ago, “but it was a close run thing” said experts given air time to say such things.

Is it a bird, is it a…what the hell is that?falling-euro-macd_web

Missing planes in the Straights of Malay were meanwhile considering the possibility that they were being looked for in the wrong place.  So a team comprised of the Gays of Malay were instead sent into space to search for satellites that should have noticed where the flight had gone long before it had stopped going where it was supposed to. Arrival lounges in airports around the world were put on hold in case the plane showed up and everyone aboard had to be told that they could not disembark. “Plane people are the new boat people especially in Australia” said some Village people recently at a premier of ‘Priscilla in the desert –the director’s cut’. It is rumoured that even the original inhabitants of the worlds largest island can’t get rid of the alien creatures that for hundreds of years have overseen their asylum seekers hostels and rampaged like copulating rabbits through their corridors of power.

Paper boys face cuts in Puberty Timewhen the wind blows-macd

Meanwhile  in local news, the newspapers were delivered late again this morning as the usual child labourer has reached puberty and is now deemed fit for work.  Having been chucked out of the family home so they can rent out the spare room and pay the bedroom tax. The young ex- paper person is now forced to sleep in the rough until he becomes old enough to go to uni, where he can borrow ridiculous amounts of money and learn how to get out of paying it back.


Don’t forget to check out and into The Enigma Deviations at Jam Records in Falmouth, and stay tuned for the finalists of the 4th POlitoon Caption Contest being announced this week!

Winner of the 3rd Politoon Caption Contest Announced!

politoons-new-logo1-940-198-72Finally, the Politoons finals have been finalized and the finalists fined down to the final one!

Many oblique references have been mapped in the uncharted territory of humor, with spelling a significant factor in communicating the winning entry to the entire world – whose eyes – peace be upon them – have it!

to refresh your memory, here’s the toon: knicker-skirt-cap3-macd-sm

and the runners-up in this marathon 3rd caption contest are:

‘I just don’t think he is what he is cracked up to be.’

a cheeky one from Sheena,

Its fashion – or am I on crack?’

a between the cheeks from Jo

‘He didn’t even crack a smile.’

a turn the other cheek from Alysa

Butt(!) the winner of the  3rd Politoon caption contest, without hesitation, deviation or constipation is Tim C with his caption:

‘that reminds me, I have to call a plumber.’

3rd-caption-winner-mdSo, congrats Tim, we’ll get that special Glicee print with your caption sent out to you ASAP!

And don’t forget about the up and coming Politoons Exhibition “The Enigma Deviations” in March, at Jam Records in Falmouth find out more here

Let us know what you think, or get in touch if you want to find out more about how cartoons can save the world!

Floods, Super(bowl)bugs, and Off(with his)Head in the news this week!

Illegal Floods flood in to Britain as tides and sandbag costs rise  politoons-new-logo1-940-198-blue-sm

Sandbags are seen as the next must have Xmas gift for cash strapped councils according to the orifice of national ballistics, after 5 weeks of rising flood levels in the Somerset Levels stretching from Solstice to Imbolc according to the Pagan calendar. Energy Minster Owen-pretty much everything- Paddington,went to the levels to sea for himself, and was flood-plained by locals who asked why nothing had been done during the last century to stop this sort of thing happening in this century.  boaters-2-macd-smMinister Paddington who bears no resemblance to the famous ‘Bear’ of rugged masculinity fame in gay culture, was clear that his climate change denying days were not over simply because the country was flip flopping from one natural disaster to another. In a reply to a soaking wet Sou-Wester, the minister replied  “These arable lands could become the Paddy Fields of Britain if we as a nation would just allow scientists the opportunity to plant saltwater resistant GM Rice in the South West.” He then went on to say “Rather than fighting Mother Nature, this government intends to retreat gracefully from any responsibility it may have previously had to protect people and communities, or to provide compensation when something like this happens.  We’ve only been able to keep this land from flooding for the last 1000 years so its no surprise to anyone that that millennium might now be well and truly over!”  Then the large hairy man projected his image of rugged masculinity back into his canoe and drifted up the creek, having seemingly forgotten his paddle.

The XLV111Stupor Bowlpolitoons-new-logo1-940-198-green-72

The biggest game to surround an expensive advert and its attendant 15 minute pop concert took place in New York this past Sunday, selling more Gm contaminated popcorn than you can shake a stick at (and if you’re using that stick for balance, be careful you don’t fall over). entropy-101-macd-sm In the finest display of the old adage ‘defense is the best defence’, a team from the west coast of the US proved that legalized marijuana and same sex marriage are no barrier to winning one of the most sought after trophies in one of the most heavily sponsored games in the world that use the words ‘ball’ and ‘foot’.

Educationalists woo Govian Chanteusse as Red Ofsted Head retires to Hampsteadpolitoons-new-logo1-940-198-pink-72

In a display of government thinking unrivaled since the last government paused for thought, Schools were disrupted around the country when the leader of the school measurement movement was scrapped due to redundancy plans intended to make plans redundant.  Mickey Gove told colleagues today to stop coming into his office and bothering him after David “outside” Laws continually accused him of taking the Mickey throughout the school day.  Inside Number ten insiders said the PM became involved after school hours in an extra curricular dressing gown of the entire class of educationalists accused of not doing their homework.  Part-Privatized classes were also in fear of their funding due to further revelations about sexual relations between teachers and boarded up pupils which had dilated even further until there was nothing funny left to say about it, except by uncaring capital-ey enhanced old boys who feared that private schools would be punished for what was once seen as a ‘norm in the dorm’ approach to sexual predation.

3rd Cartoon Caption contest pendingpolitoons-new-logo1-940-198-72

Politoon’s panel of esteemed international judges are currently holed up in a Vatican-like tower block with nothing but a smokestack full of hot air that will blow white or black smoke when they have decided on the  final winner of our 3rd Cartoon Caption Contest!  knicker-skirt-cap3-macd-smSo stay tuned for the whether (or not you’re the one) report coming out this week.

Goodbye, Toodle Pip and Good Luck!


MacD, editor in patent pending

the 3rd Cartoon Caption Contest from Politoons is now closed

on the phone by macd



3rd in a lifetime Cartoon Caption Contest!

On your mark, get set… and release those funny bones! Because here is the 3rd fresh off the virtual press Politoon that is just begging  for the right caption! Good Luck!


(click on the image to enlarge, see how to enter below)

Previous Contests and Winners


S. Campbell had the keyboard clattering with his winning one liner in our 2nd ever caption contest last week, but there were a lot of great runner’s up and honorable mentions too.  A. Golden’s award winning caption in our first contest is still making the typists quiver with excitement here at Politoons. So the time has come again to throw a new visual enigma out into the world wide web of wonder!  Check out all the winners, runners up from the previous contests here in the caption contest archives.


To Enter:

Enter your name, email, and caption for the 3rd contest cartoon in the comment or contact boxes below – show us  your funny side!

the winner will receive a signed glicee print of this cartoon complete with their winning caption, so good luck!

Some ‘thoughts on cartooning’ from the Politoons art desk can be found here, and if you want to know more about other cartoon caption competitions , try these: the new yorker, the boston globe, the humor times politoons very first caption contest

want to make your online life easier? Click on the Follow button or RSS feed option for Politoons on the right of your screen, and get it delivered straight to your inbox.


macds world of humor

and if you want to find out more, or purchase anything, or have a question or comment, do get in touch

thanks for checking out the Third Politoons  Cartoon Caption Challenge! cheers, macd

if you like it, you’re welcome to share

Politoons recommends this Christmas Message from Tourettes Hero

tourettes hero xmas msgTourettes Hero says: “…the Queen will be broadcasting her Christmas Message to the nation. If you can’t wait that long, or if you’d like something a little different, here’s my brand new tic-inspired Christmas message. Sit back and enjoy it, and if you’ve got a cat, make sure they’re sitting comfortably too.”

one of the best Xmas messages ever, if you don’t enjoy it your cat probably will.

BTW don’t forget our 2nd Politoons Cartoon Caption Contest

and our next regular issue that comes out later this week,  featuring the Cosmic Hologram Claim by Scientists! Uruguay legalizes Hemp Hay! a Russian Sub breaks the Ice! and  more on that Selfie-d leader of free world getting caught in unwholesome threesome!


you can follow Politoons by clicking on the Follow button or RSS feed option on the right of your screen


macds world of humor

and if you want to or purchase anything, or have any questions or comments, do get in touch

 cheers, macd

(please ignore the adverts below)

The bumper 2013 POlitOOns End of Year Annual!

It’s gotten to that time of year when Politoons  looks back from the edge of the precipice, and tries to figure out how the hell we got into this mess!  What with winter cheer and reminiscing as the snow falls, it’s sometimes difficult to remember just how far we’ve come – if only because our tracks have been hidden by the yellow stained drifts piling up behind us.politoons-masthead-600w

So, jumping back through the archive may shed a little light down the tunnel of time, casting a glow-stick view back through the tumultuous recent events of our age, as we hold up our tablet screens in an attempt to record everything as the future flashes by all too quickly.  (BTW don’t forget about our monthly cartoon caption contest!)

here’s some monthly highlights in our review of the year

Dateline January 5th, 2013

Remember the Falklands? “Don’t Cry for Me you flag waving colonialists!”, says Argentina President, Christina Kirchner as Britiain’s own Cam-man took on a slice of Antarctica to boot, handing the queen a perfect Jubilee gift:

Cameron, and the Ice queen

Cam-Man looks deadpan as Ice Queen accepts QE Land

As a war of words erupts over the Falklands/Malvinas dispute in the south Atlantic, a penguin has been quoted as saying “The idea that we all fall over backwards when a helicopter passes over because we can’t help following it with our eyes is a myth!
Besides which, the islands you refer to are ours, we’ve been nesting peacefully there in our own guano for thousands of years – long before  David Attenborough planted spy cams in our nests…  ”

read full January story here


Dateline February 4th, 2013

A speedy adieu to Mr. Huhne

Then in February, there was that tale of Dick Dastardly, Chris Huhne, the speeding environment minister who lied and went to prison. However, we can all rest assured that a man of such talent has not been wasted, why he now writes regularly for the Guardian Newspaper! Bastion of honest opinion and reportage!

story link here

Dateline March 24th, 2013

AAA, the 4th emergency credit rating


As the economic dip turned into a double dip, then a triple dip, it now appears to have more ups and downs than a fun ride at Alton Towers. The British Prime Minister took to the airwaves to talk down talk of a downgrade in the UK’s international credit rating. “House Prices, low wages and regular bin collections are far more important than what foreign bankers think of us!” said the PM today on the Sir Marr Tomorrow show (based in an off shore broadcast haven somewhere near the palace of Westminster). “If worse comes to worse, the UK will take out a super injunction to stop all these ratings rumours about our economy which are in danger of spoiling everyone’s fond memories of the London Olympics, let alone the Queen’s speech in 3D!”

story link here

Dateline April 11th, 2013

Tragically, the government was forced to implement an emergency law

Emergency law used to recall Parliament!

20130408-180605.jpgSo that MP’s could can claim expenses for discussing funeral arrangements for the mother of a famous arms dealer.

Which Politoons – because it couldn’t claim expenses –  decided to ignore, so lets move on…

editor: do you think you should explain that this was about the funeral of Margaret Thatcher?

writer: Don’t be ridiculous! Everyone knows she was Mark Thatcher’s Mum!

April story link here

Dateline May, 9th, 2013

The Queen’s Speech Bubble!

The queen and her loyal consort had a day out at (the) Lords, reading aloud the coalition government’s wish list for all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small – unless they are Bulgarian or Romanian and fall ill while they’re over here legally.

read the full story herethe queens speech by macd

Dateline June 6th, 2013

PM rues return to PMQ’s, and other news from recent political feuds 

David Cameron returns to Prime Ministers question time after 11 weeks, asking questions of the opposition party’s leadership in an attempt to deflect attention from the leadership of his own.  “I’ll ask the questions here!”… “Oh no you won’t!”… “Oh yes I will!”… “Oh no you…” poor-suffering-macd-500sm

read the full June 2013 news here

Dateline July 10th,2013

Politoons publishes its first Education Supplement

caricature of micheal gove by macdEducation Secretariat Mikhail Goves-a-chav leaked a new national curriculum to the press yesterday. Tightening his strangehold on the state sector, he has taken a lead in ensuring free schools look even groovier than ever to greying baby boomer Grandad’s who made ‘loads-a-money’ in the 80’s buying discounted shares from every national privatization going.

read the full July story here

Dateline August 16th 2013

in related news,

A level results spark New Baby Boom requirements for spare bedrooms

More babies are being born, which indicates sex traffic in the home is up around the country. Commentators are advising that more housing would be needed but the government wants to encourage poor people with extra bedrooms to offer them up as miniature day care centers to make up for the shortfall in housing benefit that those people have to compensate the government for.
Young parents who have no home of their own will be able to bring their children up during the day in a nearly local “extra bedroom nursery”. They can then pick the kids up after work and head off to queue for beds at the nearest night shelter.

read the full August story here

Dateline September 18th, 2013,

A time for realizing one’s perspective through personal reflection, and couch surfing

today’s message is all about choice!

dog-andcat-dreams-macd-smA) you can choose to read about a high school student who doodles on her thighs:

B ) you can watch an analysis of deregulation and illegal conspiracies that affect the world economy.( click on the video at 16 minutes in, unless you want to watch the report on why the Brazilian president cancelled her meeting with Barack Obama)

C) you can choose both
D) none of the above

Dateline October, 3rd 2013

The Privateering Private Special!

posing-woman-macd-smA spokesperson for the queen – who is already part-privatized – said that her majesty is considering branding her Christmas speech to the nation this year. As she spoke to the media in front of backdrops covered in company logos, the queen said through her interpreter that she had come up with the idea after watching sports programs on television, especially those post match interviews where coaches and players are asked mundane questions in order to give air time to the brands who are paying top dollar for the advertising space in the background.

read more October news here

Dateline November 23rd,2013

50th anniversary of nostalgic assassination and near nuclear armageddon

Today, with so many momentus 50th anniversary occasions taking place – from Dead Kennedys to Dr. Whose – Politoons has decided to wreak it’s own devastating sense of nostalgia on the world of remembrance.

So here is a link to the extended sound byte known as HUMANITIES HISTORIES, a tuneful glow in the firmament of musical nostalgia and poetic injustice!

Humanities Historiesa MacD pencil sketch

The whole race
Like duty free
Primordial ooze
Snuck through customs
On a booze cruise…

read more November news here

Dateline December 7th,2013

Drones deliver goods for online retailers in world wide ‘hood!

NSA prism loyalty card scheme by macdunlop ©2013Amazon and Google branched out into further automation than anyone wants or believes possible with the suggestion that in the future they will use drones to deliver such things as Google Glasses, and food groceries, as the idea of being book merchants and search engines finally gets left behind in their ‘do no evil’ quest for world domination.  Armed with driver-less vehicles, and being the go-to source for most of the information that governments collect about their citizens, the two interweb giants are fighting it out on their face pages, tweeting each other with flames, and sending armies of trolls out against each other, the size of which even J.R.R Tolkien*  could only ever dream about.

(*author of Lord of the Rings, not Flies)

read more of the scraps we can afford to throw into the Politoon piranah pond here. If you feel like dipping a toe in yourself do get in touch, (otherwise we recommend swaddling your foot in chain mail first).

Enjoy your Hol’s or your zero hour contract as best you can, and drop back anytime, we’re with you in spirit if not in government.


BTW: The latest collection of Politoons and Satire “The World of Humour Needs you!” will be out after Xmas – (the perfect marketing strategy…not! say our editor)  meanwhile, you can always preview The Cod Philosophy of MacD – volume one which is still on sale online:


buy it online here and get an automatic 10% discount

The Privateering Private Special! October 3rd, 2013

macd politoons logoOctober 3rd 2013


The government is to go ahead with the further privatization of public services in the coming years, utilizing a ‘my turn on top approach’, much favoured by many privates already penetrating public bodies.

The prime minister will seek sponsorship for his term of office in a pilot scheme based on findings from studying television pilots and pilots used in unmanned drone strikes.businessman-with-golf-macds

Initially the infrastructure for these privatizing programs will be expensive to initiate, and tax payers should not expect to see any reduction in their tax bills within their lifetimes let alone within the lifetime of the next parliament. In future, the ordinary voter should not notice any change in overall savings to the nation, because the money saved will be given back in tax breaks to the private companies that sponsor your member of parliament. This is intended to compensate the multinational corporations currently lobbying the British Government for the loss of brand reputation expected from their being associated with ‘money for questions’ politicians.

The government hopes to extend the scheme across parliament after the next election, with the intention that tax payers will no longer pay politician’s salaries or expenses, meaning only certain politicians who can attract private investment will be eligible to vote in the houses of ‘not-so-common’ anymore.

posing-woman-macd-smA spokesperson for the queen – who is already part-privatized – said that her majesty is considering branding her Christmas speech to the nation this year. As she spoke to the media in front of backdrops covered in company logos, the queen said through her interpreter that she had come up with the idea after watching sports programs on television, especially those post match interviews where coaches and players are asked mundane questions in order to give air time to the brands who are paying top dollar for the advertising space in the background.

In other private government news, an ideological split between the generations has been varble-intrst-rates-macd-smexploited by newspapers desperate to justify their print operations to shareholders. Taking a swipe at politicians who oppose private sponsorship of the nanny state, headlines have suggested that some ancestors of unbranded politicians had very different ideas about how the country should be run compared to some newspapers desperate to turn a profit, and panicking about their shrinking list of print based corporate advertisers.

follow us for regular updates, or leave a comment below, always good to hear what you think,


macds world of humor

cheers, macd

(all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013)

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Modern Parents


text and images © M. Dunlop 2013


Radio Politoons, Short news supplement over and above your daily requirement

left field reporting shorts-sept2013 by macd

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That’s all your politoons news headlines for this week

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd


Leaky gender mix up in military jail leads to imprisoned gas attack’s recall of former dictator in Egypt!

politoons manning case by macd

Labour party-poopers suspected of dropping toxic goss illegally!

ed-mil-imnoinnit-macd_sqsmKids un-exercised by lack of drive says Health minister on photo-op playground slide!the family way cartoon by macd

Femedian fights for funny first at feisty fringe fest!


More tourists visit Britain than people who live here poll suggests!MacD cartoon in indian ink style, ebook coming soon in 2013

Exam boards cheat students as free world free schools silly season results announced!

caricature of micheal gove by macd

Banks invent new illegal insurance to further debit customers credit!an indian ink style cartoon by macd with a business theme

Spanish cops dive into uncharted waters to study concrete blocks near rock!mad men by macd

That’s all your politoons news headlines for this week

follow us for regular updates, or leave a comment below, always good to hear what you think,


macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

CHEWED NEWS in this week’s Politoons, issue 15, 20th of July, 2013


pay day loaners by macdShares in payday loan companies rose even higher than the APR interest rates those companies charge today, as government plans to make poor people pay for more things with less money has promoted spikey growths amongst wealthy stock market lobbyists.


the housing shortage continues

Higher than expected house price bubbles filled with hot air and rose further today, while it was announced that shale gas explorations will take place in low density areas of the country, such as under Blackpool’s famous tower, the new Olympic park, and London’s Tate Modern (the latter being a second home for the spin of energy profiteering gas and oil conglomerates for several fairytale years now).


The cohabitation of liberals and conservatives continues in the Council Houses of Parliament, while backbench MP’s insist on lobbying for better tax breaks for married couples. Nick’s best man Dan said he was con-Vince-d that Dave could make an honest man of him. The recently reformed Laws mean this could be a marriage made in political heaven – the name of an outlying suburb in the country’s political capital, known to many as “Greater Bollocks”.


Pugeorge-floats-the-pound-by-macd2013.jpgtting money directly into the pockets of people who actually spend it rather than giving it to those who bury it in the middle of their offshore islands and look all innocent when someone stops by, is a policy dilemma that has befuddled many confused polticians for several years. Consequently, while no decisions get made, the future is spiraling down the plughole, while the government promotes British Industry, issuing tea towels printed with the words “keep calm, and carry on”.

That’s all your politoons news this week

follow us for regular updates, or leave a comment below, always good to hear what you think,

macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

Snail Mail Sale Sucks Union Sting from Labour’s Tail

Ye Olde Royal Mail Sale

a macd philosophy cartoon

378 year old plans to privatize the royal post office and remove the queen’s head have been rubber stamped by government strategists. The minister for scapegoats, Minced Sable said “We’re not going to bother pretending anyone will make a profit from selling this public service, or that the British public will benefit in any way!”. Private delivery firms meanwhile are keen to buy at this ‘off the back of a lorry’ price. Some are already queuing up at the post office, patiently watching flat screen adverts for ‘putting your advert here’ as they wait to get in on a piece of the Great British Sell-Off (as soon as Vince at cashier number three has dealt with some pensioner’s passport application).

Labour Union Confusion

Labour’s non-leadership crisis stumbled onward recently with Ed (no the other one) saying thated miliband labour leader by macd the unions should allow people to opt in rather than out, to which the leader of the Union of the Entire Universe replied ‘In, out, in, out, shake it all about… do I look like I was listening?” After realizing that there was even less chance of making Ed Balls-up leader than there was two years ago. The Unions sighed a collectively bargained sigh of relief, saying ‘Alright Ed, if that’s the way you want it, we’ll keep the money!”

Not Cricket Poetry

Critics had a field day at Lords, giving the latest poem about cricket a caning. “It’s not about being posh and its nothing to do with being middle class, which means that it doesn’t speak to anyone who likes to sit in a deck chair moaning about the weather while pretending to watch someone playing a game over half a mile away!”

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd

ALL THE NEWS IN BRIEFS -politoons #14, July, 2013


chri-lagard2-euro-29-01-macThe British government was forced to deny rumours that it was behind an attempted military coup on the Channel Islands. “ We haven’t felt so invaded since the second world war!” said the mayor of Channel Tunnel Town, explaining to the ranks of absentee residents for tax purposes that the Island government was still in control. An unconfirmed tweet from the former tax haven was sent to the United Nation’s saying: #whoth#uck#dothy#thnk#thy#r!


Bolivian planes are now being forced to land or face being shot down by the European Servility Services. “These people have no Morales”, said an embassy official “ Well, we’ve got one now!” quipped an Austrian stewardess disguised as a Vienesse security agent. “Bolivians seem to think they can simply NOT smuggle a person onto their plane who is charged with exposing the criminal activity being perpetrated by one of the most heavily militarized nations on earth!” Meanwhile there have been no reported sightings of a displaced private contractor employee who has been left to gather dust in a Moscow airport lounge. Rumours persist that Mr. Ed eats nothing but ferrero-roche and chats politely to duty free staff. One reader inquires: “How free is ‘free’?” The editor suggests asking a Pussy Riot Protester, or better yet, a Gay Muscovite.


France was forced to admit it was spying on its own people just the other day. While Carla Bruni faced an inquiry into getting free air travel without collecting nearly enough air miles. Apparently, she has been forced to travel internationally because it has become impossible to find home grown flat heeled shoes ever since her former president husband’s fall from power (at least he didn’t have too far to fall, reported one french wag). Bruni’s main concern is ensuring that her lower husband is able to enter a room with some modicum of decorum, as well as hide 1.5 million euros of election spending in the raised heel of his shoe.


“This is a great day to shift some bad news!” said the British Health Secretary, promptly slipping through his big idea to privatize the Health Service once he’d run it into the ground. Hunt continues to try to convince anyone who will listen that it is in fact the NHS that makes us ill, and not tiny little viruses that nobody can see, or rising malnutrition caused by increasing numbers of people slipping into poverty. His solution is to sell patient data to private medical and pharmaceutical companies, who will then target their bids for Health Service contracts only in areas they can expect to make huge profits from.

And I haven’t even mentioned Egypt yet!


But, let’s be clear, 1.3 billion dollars per year being given to the Egyptian military has nothing to do with the coup. Surprisingly sage advice has come from several Western Governments: “Um…like, try not to be nasty to each other n’ that.”. Britain meanwhile has mounted a relief effort, flying out 2 plane loads of “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters and other related tourist ministry merchandise.


Former SA President Nelson Mandela is not yet turning in his grave, however some of his children and grandchildren are, following the reclamation of their bones by the courts yesterday.


A hole opened up in Toledo and swallowed a car as the earth fights back against man-made climate change. Sceptics suggest it was a burst water pipe that caused the damage, to which environmentalists replied “Yeah! And who made the water pipe? Man-made right? When are you people going to wake up!”


world-leader-camp-macd2011President Obama meanwhile reassured Chancellor Merkel of Germany that the US government would not only provide her with details of their surveillance activities, but also of all the surveillance activities that the German government was itself currently undertaking. He then went on to praise the government of the former ‘East Germany’, and the Stasi in particular for being such a “how-to” source of espionage and data gathering techniques.


labour leadership by macd

Lastly, (surprise, surprise) the Labour party has shot itself in the foot – or is that in it’s right arm that it would give to have as it’s leader someone people would vote for ?

That’s it for Politoon News this week,

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macds world of humor

all text and images © M. Dunlop 2013

cheers, macd